An episode of the Disney animated show “Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur” focused on a transgender character will no longer air. News broke this week that the episode, which leaked on YouTube ...
Before then, the world's most expensive dinosaur was "Stan" — the 67-million-year-old T. rex that sold for $31.8 million in 2020.Stan became something of a celebrity after this sale when it ...
Disney's Cartoon Arcade is a 1988 game by Cliff Johnson created by Walt Disney Home Video for use on the View-Master Interactive Vision system. Designed as a 30-minute gameshow, the player could watch ...
An unreleased episode of Marvel animated series Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur won’t air on Disney ... The episode’s color palette is saturated in hues from the transgender flag.
Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, an animated series on the Disney Channel, is designed to appeal to younger fans, so it’s not on everyone’s radar. But a recent controversy has ...
The City of Bethlehem and star above. Christian religious illustration. Nativity Scene Christmas Cartoon A Christmas nativity scene coloring cartoon, with baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph in the manger ...