"Many of them had feathers, [so] they could insulate themselves just like mammals can," Brusatte said. In addition, some ...
Sixty-six million years ago, a catastrophic asteroid impact wiped out 75% of Earth’s species, bringing an abrupt end to the ...
A team of international researchers has uncovered two new species of dinosaurs in Romania's Hațeg Basin, part of the UNESCO ...
An article on the discovery was published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE, with the article crediting Lawrence for his ...
Learn how the extinction of dinosaurs around 66 million years ago caused seeds to grow larger, filling in an important piece ...
Research published today in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology has unveiled a landmark discovery—fossils of the world's ...
Paleontologists have uncovered fossils of not one, but two apex predator groups coexisting in ancient Victoria, Australia.
Dinosaur extinction shaped fruit evolution, influencing diets and ecosystems, including those of human ancestors.
Between 122 and 108 million years ago, the Australian landmass was much farther south than today. Victoria was positioned ...
Scientists in Spain have uncovered a 270-million-year-old fossil of a Gorgonopsian, a predator linking reptiles and mammals.
Fossils are providing more and more clues about how dinosaurs attracted one another and reproduced, which contributed to ...