Buddy, a young collie-mix, has a new family after he was rescued by the BC SPCA in British Columbia after being dragged while ...
The dog stomach tacking procedure to prevent bloat is often recommended by veterinarians for dogs who are at risk for developing bloat. Bloat is a life threatening condition that can potentially turn ...
Tummy troubles are no fun for dogs. And that goes double for pet parents, especially if there’s a stinky mess to clean up.
Most dogs will eat just about anything, it seems, including - to the exasperation of their owners - titbits they come across ...
The curse of being a dog is that you want to eat pretty much everything you see, but can't digest it all. It's up to us humans to work out what allergies and intolerances the dog has. Monique ...
I often wonder if I could love anything as much as a dog loves food. They show a particular zeal for any type of treat, be it ...
Are real Christmas trees safe for dogs or is it safer to stick to the artificial one? V Dr. Ivana shares whether Christmas ...
When a dog is vomiting after surgery, you are right to be concerned. However, a dog having an upset stomach after surgery is not very uncommon; actually, if you read through your post-op instructions ...
“Yes, healthy dogs can eat turkey if they don't have food sensitivities, but not your Christmas turkey,” Dr. Robinson tells ...
When you’re feeling under the weather, nothing beats the soothing power of a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup. And if your dog won’t eat due to an upset stomach or illness, pouring some chicken broth ...