The bay looked “like it was boiling,” said a boat captain with a whale-watching company in Monterey Bay, Calif. He captured video of the dolphins swimming off the coast.
Jerry McArthur was out on his electric hydrofoil — a propeller-driven ocean glider that he designs and sells — when he was ...
Captain Brodsky said that he hoped the footage he captured of this super pod via a drone would inspire people to come out and ...
Dolphins have been spotted galivanting in the East River over the last two days in a rare NYC wildlife delight.
Thousands of dolphins were spotted in California waters, swimming and jumping from the water.
A tour boat was sailing in Monterey Bay Friday when the crew spotted roughly 2,000 of the dolphins swimming and leaping with ...
This Wednesday's discovery of a newborn Irrawaddy dolphin has brought this year's total births to four. No deaths of the rare ...
The Juno Probe, which was sent to explore the gas giant, has taken a picture that looks like a dolphin swimming through ...
A whale-watching boat captain in Monterey, Calif., captured footage of a "super pod" consisting of over 2,000 dolphins ...
Two dolphins have been spotted frolicking in New York City's East River in an extremely rare sighting for residents of the metropolis. The pair of marine mammals dazzled observers as they leapt ...
A local whale-watching captain and marine biologist captured rare drone footage of a super pod of over 2,000 dolphins near Monterey Bay. The video, shared by Monterey Bay Whale Watch, shows Pacific ...