In the days since Donald Trump’s reëlection, art has offered a distraction for those reeling from the news. But what does it mean to turn away when circumstances demand our attention?
NPR's series "Throw It Back" explores how the objects we love as kids shape how we see and live in the world as adults. It continues with the story of Dominic Lucero and his fishing poles.
Donald Duck has starred in dozens of comic-book and comic-strip stories published each month (in certain parts of the world, each week) around the world. Until this point, the development of both the ...
Donald Trump has won the democratic power to ... Ronald Reagan reportedly wanted to repeal it to nullify the “lame duck” nature of a second term. Bill Clinton argued in 2011 that as long ...
Donald Trump’s re-election as president of ... "The US at this COP is not just a lame duck, it's a dead duck," said Professor Richard Klein, an expert on climate change policy for the Stockholm ...