This workshop provides practical knowledge about how to effectively kiln dry wood, and focuses on the science behind related wood properties and drying processes. This workshop is sponsored by the ...
He’s using a dehumidifier to pump dry air into the kiln and a control system to both monitor the relative humidity in the kiln and to dry the stock down to a moisture content in the 6-8% range.
USNR is supplying Rosboro, Springfield, Or., with a new planer mill, complete with a Hydraulic Continuous Tilt Hoist, a 4200 planer, a multi-saw clamshell trimmer, low-profile stacker, and sorter top ...
New England Kiln Drying Association (NEKDA) Officers and Board of Directors have put together an excellent meeting program with important and informative topics and opportunities for kiln operators ...
REWARD One hundred dollars reward offered for one hundred and eleven head of sheep amiss, and the capture and conviction of the person or persons who have taken said property, described below: Mark of ...