Dystrophic calcifications of the aortic valve may cause symptomatic aortic stenosis and account for a significant portion of patients who undergo elective valve replacement. Calcifications appearing ...
There are four main types of calcinosis cutis: dystrophic, metastatic, iatrogenic, and idiopathic. Calcinosis cutis secondary to acne vulgaris falls under the dystrophic category, where calcium ...
eLetters should relate to an article recently published in the journal and are not a forum for providing unpublished data. Comments are reviewed for appropriate use of tone and language. Comments are ...
Dr Boon, Department of Neurology of the St Anna Hospital, PO Box 90, 5660 AB, Geldrop, Netherlands. Aims To determine whether mitral annular calcification and aortic valve calcification, with or ...
So far, no effective medical therapies exist to halt the progression of CAVD. This review aims to outline the known pathways of inflammation and calcification in CAVD, focussing on the critical roles ...
Background The frequent occurrence of calcification in intracranial artery stenosis increases the risk of ischemic stroke. In previous cases, we have observed a possible relationship between ...
For a long time, lysosomes were considered as mere waste bags for cellular constituents. Thankfully, studies carried out in the past 15 years were brimming with elegant and crucial breakthroughs in ...
Calcium deposits, or "calcifications" show up as bright dots on mammograms. Sometimes, they can be signs of breast cancer, but they're often harmless. “You have a calcium deposit in your breast.” Half ...