A group of Democrats is calling on the Department of Education to rescind threats of defunding schools with diversity, equity ...
Higher education grants for Jersey students have been increased. A ministerial order was approved and signed by the minister ...
The New York State Education Department wrote in English and Yiddish to two Chassidic schools in the Williamsburg ...
It is estimated that roughly 92,000 public school students in grades K through 12 are covered by special education programs ...
Unspent funding meant for vacant special education positions at Howard County schools sometimes gets redirected, 11 News ...
Lawmakers have lessened the impact of property tax proposals on schools, but still want districts to share some revenue with ...
Two weeks after Gov. Ned Lamont compromised on CT's budgetary spending cap to bolster child care, his fellow Democrats tested ...
Gov. Ned Lamont is expected to use a line-item veto to kill a $40 million appropriation for special education that the Senate ...
The proposal sets a few possible points of contention between the House and Senate, including how much money should families ...