Adequate Sleep Significantly Reduces the Risk of Hypertension in Adolescents Nov. 11, 2024 — Adolescents who meet the recommended guidelines of nine to 11 hours of sleep per day were shown to ...
The scrotal swelling was treated as cellulitis with a broad spectrum of antibiotics, covering anaerobes, considering the absence of signs and ultrasonographic features of testicular torsion. He also ...
They can give you a laxative if needed. Surgery to other parts of the body Sometimes testicular cancer can spread to other parts of the body. For example, it can spread to the lungs or the brain. You ...
You usually have a number of tests to check for testicular cancer. The testicles are part of the male reproductive system. They produce sperm and the hormone testosterone. The tests you might have to ...
In healthy eyes, the fluids drain freely to keep eye pressure steady. Ocular hypertension is when the pressure inside the eye is higher than normal. Eye pressure is measured in millimeters of ...
Dr. Sarah Thompson, chief urologist at Metropolitan Cancer Center, explains that family history plays a crucial role in testicular cancer risk. Men with close relatives who experienced testicular ...
Scientifically, blue balls are known as epididymal hypertension. It happens when a man gets sexually aroused, and blood flows into the genital area, causing the testicles to swell slightly.
High blood pressure can be hereditary. If your parents have high blood pressure—also called hypertension—you have an increased risk of also developing high blood pressure. Familial hypertension can be ...
ADA indicates American Diabetes Association; NKF, National Kidney Foundation; ESH, European Society of Hypertension; and ESC, European Society of Cardiology. Adapted from Singer et al 48 with ...
In this Review, Kirabo and colleagues discuss the mechanisms that underlie the sex-related differences in salt sensitivity of blood pressure and hypertension, highlighting the implications for ...
The 2023 European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and 2017 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) hypertension guidelines both emphasize proper blood pressure (BP) ...
If one or both numbers consistently stay too high, it's called hypertension. It can damage your organs over time and lead to serious health problems. The difference between systolic pressure and ...