We believe that only an open-source solution to data movement can cover the long tail of data sources while empowering data engineers to customize existing connectors. Our ultimate vision is to help ...
Nitin Singhal is a seasoned technology and product leader with over 25 years of experience in the industry. He currently serves as the Vice President of Engineering at SnapLogic, focusing on ...
By embracing a semantic, federated approach, organisations can create Generative AI-ready data products that are both agile ...
陆才慧本文由谷云科技CTO陆才慧撰写并投递参与“数据猿年度金猿策划活动——2024大数据产业年度趋势人物榜单及奖项”评选。ETL国产化替代乃趋势使然在全球化与数字化转型的双重浪潮下,我国企业自2000年起便开始广泛引入国际领先的管理系统及生产制造、研 ...
对新想法持开放态度开源软件工具因其具有的多项优势而持续受到欢迎,包括更低的前期软件和硬件成本、更低的总拥有成本、无厂商锁定、更简单的许可管理和来自活跃社区的支持。下面我们将介绍今年引起我们关注的一些最受欢迎的开源软件产品,其中一些已经存在了一段时间, ...
本次发布《火山引擎 ByteHouse 云数仓产品白皮书》从设计理念、产品架构、核心能力、场景优势等多维度介绍 ByteHouse 在 OLAP 领域的产品和技术先进性,以及如何实现高性能、高稳定、高安全。不仅仅聚焦 OLAP 领域,通过集成向量检索、全文检索、GIS 等功能,ByteHouse 持续拓展能力边界,并建设涵盖集成、开发、应用的上下游生态。除此之外,基于 SSB 和 TPC-DS ...
Our clients in the consulting space are on the hunt for a seasoned AWS BI Developer to design, develop, and optimize business intelligence (BI) solutions leveraging AWS services. Work in a fantastic ...
Our clients in the consulting space are on the hunt for a seasoned AWS BI Developer to design, develop, and optimize business intelligence (BI) solutions leveraging AWS services. Work in a fantastic ...