Chilling scenarios unfold in this true-crime series, which tells actual stories of people who shared their lives with loved ones who became killers. Each hourlong episode puts viewers in the shoes of ...
Here’s how it works ... While it could also count as a reboot or simply another chapter to the saga, 2013’s Evil Dead is widely considered among the best horror remakes ever in the way ...
After a savage beating that nearly kills a young mother, Omaha investigators learn that she's not the only victim. They launch a relentless search for the killer.
In 1999, when an Idaho woman dies of a suspected drug overdose, the case seems open and shut until her 3-year-old daughter gives a chilling statement to police.
In June 2019, the development team behind Beyond Good and Evil 2 hosted a live stream to dish out new gameplay details and concept art. It was explained that in the game, everyone in System 3 is a ...
The North American band returns to Portugal and the festival, after having already headlined the first event under the name Evil Live, last year, and also having been one of the main ... honest and ...
It’s not regarded as the best entry, but the cooperative gameplay certainly makes for some fun moments, and there’s plenty to do here as well. Surprisingly, Resident Evil 5 does contain some fairly ...