This course will give you the foundation for FPGA design in Embedded Systems. You will learn what an FPGA is and how this technology was developed, how to select the best FPGA architecture for a given ...
A C-like hardware description language (HDL) adding high level synthesis(HLS)-like automatic pipelining as a language construct/compiler feature.
When designing space electronics, the oscilloscope verifies the timing and quality of signals, but how can you choose the ...
I am Tong Duan, from the University of Alberta. We want to connect two Xilinx VCU128 FPGA boards together using the FMC+ connectors. But now we only have a FMC-to-FMC cable. So if we can buy two FMC+ ...
HuaPro P3作为芯华章第三代FPGA验证系统产品,采用最新一代可编程SoC芯片,结合自研的HPE Compiler工具链 ,可支持容量更大、速度 ...
你还别说,历史上真有一门学科来专门研究怎么把金属变成黄金,叫“炼金术”(Alchemy)。在赫尔墨斯主义学派中,它和“占星术”(Astrology)、“神通术”(Theurgy)并列“全宇宙三大智慧”之一。 不要对“炼金术”这个名字嗤之以鼻 炼金术,于其说是科学,它更像是某种事实经验与唯心玄学交融的自然哲学。一些炼金术学派认为存在一种所谓的“哲人石”,他们相信只要获得了这种神奇的石头,就能够实现把 ...