Jil Sander also rotated through a handful of chief executives during the Meiers’ stint. Its most recent CEO, Serge Brunschwig ...
Milan Fashion Week continued on Thursday against a backdrop of reshuffling in the creative direction of prestigious fashion ...
(上海28日讯)中国上海一名有“天才女棋手”之称的18岁职业棋手秦思玥,去年底参加全国围棋锦标赛时被揭发在赛场偷藏手机,并利用人工智能(AI)程式协助作赛。中国围棋协会周三发布通报,决定撤销秦思玥职业段位,取消比赛成绩,并禁赛8年。中媒报导,根据通报 ...
(北京28日讯)意大利时尚品牌芬迪(Fendi)卷文化风波,其一款采用传统编织工艺的手提包,设计灵感疑似来自于中华文化传统的“中国结”,但在品牌宣传中却被称为“韩国工艺”,引发中国网民强烈不满,在微博有不少人留言批评。中媒梨视频报导,芬迪与韩国著名手 ...
近日,Fendi品牌因推出一款与中国结设计相似的联名包而引发热议。这款产品在设计上采用了类似中国结的工艺,但在宣传中却被品牌官方描述为韩国传统文化的产物,这一表述引发了广泛的争议。对此,Fendi中国客户服务中心的工作人员表示,他们已经关注到这一情况 ...
义大利精品FENDI今年迎创立100周年,秋冬秀广邀品牌大使韩团 ...
After all, it is the bags that the Fendi has come to be known for, and that have entered the cultural zeitgeist in a way only ...
Fendi is a house with a strong legacy in leather goods. Venturini Fendi’s grandparents, Edoardo Fendi and Adele Casagrande ...
In today’s installment of Closet Confessionals, we meet a Denver-based Coloradan who is falling back in love with bags again.
The actress sat front row at the Milan collection wearing the bag that nodded to her much-loved Carrie Bradshaw character.