Error propagation and statistical analysis for Monte Carlo simulations in lattice QCD and statistical mechanics using autograd.
Quantum field theory's vacuum concept challenges classical views, revealing a metastable state that influences cosmic ...
What C# can do for studying Finite Groups, quotient groups, semi-direct products, homomorphisms, automorphisms group, characters table, minimalistic rings and fields manipulations, polynomials ...
The main aim of this course is to achieve a modern understanding of quantum field theory, with emphasis on the principles underlying the Standard Model of particle physics. In particular, the course ...
This course provides an introduction to quantum field theory as one of the cornerstones of modern physics, and how it inevitably emerges from combining quantum mechanics with special relativity. The ...
By embracing partial membership rather than binary logic, fuzzy set theory laid the groundwork for handling ambiguity in complex systems, influencing fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), ...
This correspondence suggests that certain properties of black holes can be understood through the lens of CFT, which is a type of quantum field theory that is invariant under conformal ...
Theoretical physicists have established a close connection between the two rapidly developing fields in theoretical physics, quantum information theory and non-invertible symmetries in particle ...
Tom Brevoort's Grand Unified Theory for Scott Summers and Jean Grey to be revealed in a new Marvel X-Men comic in June.
Complex Langevin Dynamics is an innovative approach in quantum field theory (QFT) that addresses significant computational challenges, particularly the notorious "sign problem." This problem ...
Earth's magnetic field occasionally bursts into song — but these compositions are written with electromagnetic radiation, not ...