A 17-meter-tall magical Christmas tree will stand at the North Plaza, adorned with iconic elements from the Harry Potter ...
Looking ahead, Zheng reaffirmed his commitment, as the President of AmCham Shanghai, to promote U.S.-China commercial relationship. “I firmly believe that a healthy, fair, and sustainable commercial ...
在美国劳工部2024年报告中,泰国的宠物食品、鱼粉和鱼油产品被列为使用童工或强迫劳动生产的商品,归入贸易黑名单。这一指定预计将影响泰国对美国的出口,这些出口每年价值超过 10 亿美元。
A Yunnan-style restaurant on the Bund was issued a fine for using a banned food additive, the city's market regulators ...
据CTV报道, 食品检验局发布的受影响产品包括在以下时间段内于BC省和安省销售的 365 Whole Foods Market 品牌胡萝卜 : ...
During the recently concluded "Double 11" shopping festival, South African avocados, which made their debut in the Chinese market at the 7th CIIE, were simultaneously featured in Tmall's food live ...
Chaiwat Meesanthan, the director of the Institute of East Asian Studies at Thammasat University accepted SFC journalist’s interview and considered that within the Belt and Road Initiative and FTA ...
7×24小时High Liner Foods Inc(HLF)股票快讯,包括最近High Liner Foods Inc(HLF)股票市场行情资讯和影响股票涨跌的国际与经济时事。今日High Liner Foods Inc股票最新消息与行情走势尽在掌握。 BMO上调High Liner Foods股票目标价,因第三季度业绩强劲 周一,BMO Capital Markets更新了对High Line ...
此次召回最初于 11 月 18 日发布,包括 Cal-Organic、Bunny-Luv、PC Organics 和 Compliments Organic 品牌的有机胡萝卜和小胡萝卜。
Beyond Meat Inc. (BYND)股价跌至52周新低4.99美元,反映出植物基肉类替代品市场持续低迷。这家曾经备受投资者青睐的公司,过去一年股价大幅收缩,一年来跌幅高达23.05%。最新的价格水平凸显了Beyond Meat面临的挑战,包括竞争压力、消费者口味变化以及阻碍其增长和盈利前景的运营障碍。
近日,亚马逊宣布为美国部分客户推出了名为Amazon Haul的线上低价商店,专注于销售20美元以下尤其是10美元以下的商品,并提供满25美元免费配送服务。据悉,此举是为了展开竞争,以吸引更多年轻消费者,进一步巩固亚马逊在电商市场的领先地位。
AWS继续加速增长,2024年第三季度同比增长19%至2745.2万美元。这一增长主要由更多企业扩大和转型其云业务所推动。鉴于成本节约潜力以及以最少的资本投资不断改进基础设施的能力,企业可能会进一步推进其云迁移工作;也就是说,当企业寻求进行更新周期时 ...