China is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and the council's rotating president this month, and Arab countries highly value China's unique and important role, Abdelatty said, ...
Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo stressed Europe's interests should be an important part in Ukraine peace effort amid U.S.
China encourages foreign businesses to expand investment in sectors including advanced manufacturing, modern services, ...
China is carrying out active bilateral and multilateral cooperation with countries including Thailand and Myanmar to eradicate online gambling and scams, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Guo ...
According to reports, the 200 fraud suspects returned to China under the escort of Chinese police on Thursday after being repatriated from Myawaddy in Myanmar. The suspects were first sent to Thailand ...
今天(2月24日)上午,新西兰外交部长Winston Peters宣布,将对俄罗斯实体实施更多制裁,并支持乌克兰的恢复和重建工作。
China welcomes all peace efforts to resolve the Ukraine crisis, including the talks between the United States and Russia, and ...
郭嘉昆:近期,针对泰缅边境连续发生网赌电诈恶性案件,中国、泰国、缅甸合力开展集中打击行动,多个电诈窝点被铲除,大批嫌犯落网。据了解,除了首批200名中国籍犯罪嫌疑人外,预计还有多批犯罪嫌疑人将被陆续押解回国。中方对泰方和缅方采取强有力措施摧毁电诈团伙 ...
Thailand attaches great importance to international cooperation in combating transnational crimes such as online gambling and fraud, Deputy Prime Minister Phumtham Wechayachai and Foreign Minister ...
俄乌战争已持续近三年,特朗普呼吁两国领导人“一起坐下来谈”。马克龙计划借即将到来的白宫之行警告特朗普不要在对待普京的问题上表现出软弱。英法提议欧洲向乌克兰派驻“维和部队”。 (德国之声中文网)美国总统特朗普周五(2月21日)呼吁 乌克兰 ...
在俄罗斯就美方团队中擅长交易的金融家安排对应人员之际,曾在麦肯锡公司 (McKinsey & Co.)和高盛 ( Goldman Sachs )等企业任职的前银行家德米特里耶夫成为了克里姆林宫和白宫之间沟通的桥梁。
#真财实料#【加拿大外长评关税:现在是加拿大,谁会是下一个?】加拿大外交部长乔美兰近日表示,美国加征25%的关税,导致加拿大数十万个工作岗位流失,还会推高加拿大的失业率,如果美国政府能对加拿大这么做,下一个会是谁?#足金饰品克价已达892元# The US's 25% tariffs are an existential threat because this would affect hundr ...