One way to learn more is to look at its poop. Bits of bone in a piece of fossilised excrement at a museum in the US state of Arizona – cleverly called the Poozeum – show that the T.
Five days of Norse fun are planned from February 17 to 23, with hands-on combat, lectures, a parade of Vikings, dramatic evening shows, and recreations of fossilised poo all to feature.
Five days of Norse fun are planned from February 17 to 23, with hands-on combat, lectures, a parade of Vikings, dramatic evening shows, and recreations of fossilised poo all to feature.
Dogpedia: A Brief Compendium of Canine Curiosities is your gateway into the astonishing world of dogs. Author Jessica Pierce joins us.
The JORVIK Viking Festival will return to York this February half-term. Five days of Norse fun are planned from February 17 to 23, with hands-on combat, lectures, a parade of Vikings, dramatic evening ...
It’s not just animal and plant remains that can be fossilised. Things like footprints, burrows, eggs and even poo (called coprolite) can be fossilised too. A fossil is the preserved remains or ...
The museum also features a "Loo-vre", a window frame displaying various poo specimens found on the island, including fossilised dinosaur droppings. Museum director, Daniel Roberts, said with the ...