LC–MS and GC–MS are typically used for this approach, with the goal being to comprehensively cover endogenous and exogenous substances, with some tradeoffs in the accuracy of the compounds detected.
The Harvey W. Wiley Award is presented every year to a scientist, or group of scientists, who have made outstanding contributions to analytical method development in areas of interest to AOAC ...
Tecan introduces the Resolvex Prep, an ideal solution for automating cannabis analysis workflows while using the same labware ...
Not surprising, MicroSpher C18 HPLC columnn provides fast analysis not only saves time, it also saves money. If an analysis can be performed in half the time it means that for instance a ...
Stable isotope amino acid tracers have been pivotal in understanding muscle protein synthesis and breakdown, helping reveal ...
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Data toolkits for processing NMR, MALDI MSI, MALDI single cell, Raman Spectroscopy, LC-MS and GC-MS raw data, chemoinformatics data analysis and data visualization.
The Agilent 1220 Infinity II LC is an affordable, high quality, integrated system based on proven technology, putting you on the fast track to highest efficiency for maximum return on investment ...