The main news bulletin of ERT presents the latest developments from Greece and around the world every night at 9:00 pm, with detailed reports in the fields of politics, economics, and culture. Deliver ...
In the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki, Alice Roberts learns about local legend Alexander the Great and his father, Philip II, King of Macedonia. She then takes a train west and visits an ...
ATHENS, Feb. 12 (Xinhua) -- Constantine Tassoulas, former speaker of the Greek Parliament, was elected as the country's new president on Wednesday.
Athens General Composite 中表现最好的股票为Elvalhalcor Hellenic Copper and Aluminium Industry SA (AT: ELHA ...
【环球时报综合报道】希腊造船厂在经历数十年的衰落后正在反弹。路透社18日援引海事专家希拉达基斯的话称,“造船厂的繁荣让希腊重新成为地中海的维修中心,虽然它们无法取代土耳其和亚洲的大型造船厂,但可以获得很大一部分(订单)。”希腊媒体“Greek Reporter”称,随着斯卡拉曼加造船厂的重启和哈尔基达地区生产活动的增加,希腊造船业即将复兴。
There is a group of foreigners who have chosen to stay in Nanning for work, family, or their affection for the city. As the Spring Festival approaches, these expatriates join their Chinese relatives ...
欧洲制造业春天将至?企业对未来一年前景充满信心提供者 - 2020年7月1日 英为财情 – 周三公布的数据显示,得益于欧洲解除封锁措施,欧元区制造业形势大幅改善。IHS Markit公布的欧元区6月制造业PMI从39.4大幅回升至47.4,... 财经信息 - 今日需了解的5件大事提供者 - 2015年10月1日 1 ...
在游戏界流传已久的消息终于有了眉目:备受玩家期待的希腊《战神》复刻版(God of War: Greek Saga Remastered)或将在今年3月正式公布。这不仅是为了庆祝这一传奇动作冒险游戏系列诞生20周年的特别献礼,也是索尼向广大粉丝们发出的一份诚挚邀请——来吧,让我们一同穿越时空,回到那个充满英雄与怪物、智慧与勇气交织的古希腊神话世界。
赛斯:在你们有所谓的历史之前,我是个鲁曼尼亚人,后来出生在亚特兰蒂斯。用你们的历史作参考,我在穴居人时代回来,担任一个“说法者”。 Before your idea of history, I was a Lumanian, and was ...
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As announced by the leading group Royal Caribbean International, the cruise ship Brilliance of The Seas will use the ...