On 25 May 1969, several young officers calling themselves the Free Officers Movement seized power in Sudan in a coup d'état and started the Nimeiry era, also called the May Regime, in the history of ...
In 1958, after a military coup, General Ibrahim Abboud was installed as president. The Republic was disestablished when a coup led by Colonel Gaafar Nimeiry founded the Democratic Republic of Sudan in ...
But South Africa is almost unique in having an influential Communist Party. The only other case in sub-Saharan Africa was Sudan where the SCP played a major role until 1971 when President Gaafar ...
On the murder of Ruth First and others killed by the South African death squads, and on the threat to the lives of activists at home and abroad. No. 96 (1st Quart. 1984), p. 5 Speeches at the funeral, ...