Worried about booking your GCSE and International GCSE exams? Don't be! Our step-by-step guide will answer all your questions and help you get organised quickly and easily. Even if you’re studying a ...
The key features of cells and their functions - OCR 21st Century What is the genome and what does it do? - OCR 21st Century How is genetic information inherited? - OCR 21st Century ...
Didn’t get the GCSE results you were hoping for? Don’t worry – you’re not alone! There are many reasons why you might not have achieved your target grades. Maybe life got in the way, or exam stress ...
Bacterial cells have been genetically modified to produce human insulin and other substances. The advantage of golden rice is that it can be used in areas where vitamin A deficiency is common, so ...
The genome is the full genetic complement of an organism, encoded in either DNA or, in many viruses, RNA. It includes both the genes and non-coding sequences.
Here’s your knowledge nugget for today. Recently, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has made the genome data of 10,000 individuals publicly accessible, under the Genome India Project (GIP). The ...
Genomics is the study of the full genetic complement of an organism (the genome). It employs recombinant DNA, DNA sequencing methods, and bioinformatics to sequence, assemble, and analyse the ...
The embedded 46 work placement on this degree programme provides students with the opportunity to utilise the practical, transferable and professional skills gained during the teaching of their degree ...
Core Maths is available to those with grade C/4 or above at GCSE and is based on GCSE content with 25% new material. Core Maths may add value to an application, similar to the EPQ, in particular where ...