After sea star wasting disease wiped out more than 90 percent of the ocean's wild sunflower sea star population, divers brave ...
Ancient DNA is telling us more and more about humans and environments long past. Could it also help rescue the future?
If you’re looking to move your body more in 2025, a walking pad (or under-desk treadmill) is an easy way to get in a few extra steps without overhauling your routine. These compact alternatives ...
The genome is the full genetic complement of an organism, encoded in either DNA or, in many viruses, RNA. It includes both the genes and non-coding sequences.
Here’s your knowledge nugget for today. Recently, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has made the genome data of 10,000 individuals publicly accessible, under the Genome India Project (GIP). The ...
Only around two percent of the human genome codes for proteins, and while those proteins carry out many important functions ...
I love walking: it’s free, low-impact, and boosts both your mental and physical health. I average around 8,000 steps a day, which means I’m perfectly placed to test out the latest and best walking ...
Shoes off, dogs out — barefoot walking might just be the natural remedy you’ve been missing. While most of us are used to ditching our shoes at the beach, experts say there are unexpected ...
But stepping away is easier said than done, which is why walking pads, or under-desk treadmills, have become such a healthy game-changer in this remote working era. I evaluated designs based on ...
Early results from the trial found that one month of regular neurostimulation sessions improved motoneuron function, reduced fatigue, and improved strength and walking in all participants ...
Colon cancer has been on the rise in Americans under 50 for the last three decades, but it’s not exactly clear why.
Walking yoga blends cardio exercise with a mind-body connection, so it's no surprise this workout is the new favourite for 2025. Health writer and keen walker Susan Griffin tried the workout to see ...