ABSTRACT: Astronomical extreme events or phenomena include black holes as well as nebulae systems that resemble the Milky Way. Meteorological extreme events or phenomena include tornadoes and tropical ...
Three-dimensional stress-strain analyses were performed after the pore pressure fields were obtained via piezometric surface ...
Highlights A review of the Company's drill core assay dataset has identified multiple distinct areas of considerable cesium enrichment ...
Python tools for structural geology and borehole image analysis which includes data handling, frequency and geometric analysis, and reservoir geomechanics.
Ever since the Cobre Panamá mine was forced to shut down in 2023, the copper mine’s infrastructure has been eroding away in a ...
With a wealth of oil and gas experience, Saudi Arabia is uniquely positioned for geothermal development. But what will it ...
闯关一:雷达“瘦身奇迹”关卡设计人:余振辉电子与信息工程学院2022级信息与通信工程硕士研究生个人介绍:在本科和硕士期间,先后两次获得国家奖学金、一次国家励志奖学金、一次硕士特等奖学金。师从黄磊教授,研究方向为雷达信号处理。主要科研成果包括:获授权发 ...
Name of the Project Bengwenyama platinum group metals (PGMs) project. Location Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex, in ...
Traditional macroscopic phenomenon constitutive model is not easy to describe in the non-linear mechanical properties of porous rock materials, since the effect of porosity does not incorporate into ...
A fault is a main cause for water inrush in coal mines. The detection of faults plays an important role in the prevention and governance of water inrush in coal mines. It is hard to determine the ...