In the enchanting world of otters, few sights are as heartwarming as a mother teaching her pups to swim. This endearing behavior was beautifully captured in an Instagram video, where a mother otter is ...
4. Otto the Big Otter (Fergus Falls) Holy mackerel! Otto’s making waves in Fergus Falls, looking slick as a 40-foot-long concrete otter can. Photo credit: Mitch W. Fergus Falls decided that what their ...
Pip and Pop often hang out at the Otter Pond. It is also home to Harry the Duck, his mom, and his sister, Hallie. Additionally, various other creatures sometimes hang out at the Otter Pond, including ...
Now that’s what I call a forecast with some real stature! 4. Otto the Big Otter (Fergus Falls) Holy mackerel! Otto’s making waves in Fergus Falls, looking slick as a 40-foot-long concrete otter can.