Marvel's God of Thunder has just ended the life of an even more ancient deity, and it could be the beginning of a whole new ...
Doomsday showcased Secret Wars' God Emperor Doom, but who is this version of Victor Von Doom and what does it tell us about ...
A quote that has been making the rounds these past few days in the pro-LGBTQ social media is from recently deceased President ...
Since last week’s newsletter offered a favorite argument for the existence of God, it’s only fair to balance the scales by ...
Now, a scientist reveals the five clues that an afterlife really does exist - from UFOs to near death experiences (file photo ...
Demi-Leigh Tebow had an identity crisis when her year of being Miss Universe was up, but God used that time to help her find ...
Dr Hugh Ross believes there are several clues that can point to there being life after death - although his claims are ...
In the new Tom King miniseries Jenny Sparks, the Authority character proves her might by defeating the god-like Captain Atom.