To fix various driver issues on your PC, you will need a dedicated tool to find the freshest and the original drivers. You can use PC HelpSoft Driver Updater to do it ...
Testing an early version of a software or an app does come with the risk of experiencing bugs. It now looks like WhatsApp beta testers are stuck with a major bug that is making their devices ...
If you are stuck at Green Screen of Death and you are not able to do anything then the only thing you can do is a hard reset. Just press the Power button for 20-30 sec and your system will turn off.
As with any beta software, WhatsApp is not immune from ... It's worth noting that the green screen and force close bugs are limited to version of WhatsApp beta, as version ...
This topic gathers projects that exemplify or help to provide green computing. Green software is engineered to reduce energy consumption, which considers factors like algorithmic and language ...