Reiji debuted in the Gundam Build Fighters universe, which revolves around Gundam, similar to the real world where Gundams come from animated series. The series focuses on the model kit aspect of ...
Rather than focusing on the war between the Earth Federation and Principality of Zeon, Mobile Fighter G Gundam saw countries from all over the world vying for supremacy in a Gundam tournament like ...
As you can see below, the team at Bandai Namco Filmworks announced the new Gundam anime ahead of its launch. The project will go live on November 24th, but sadly, it will not be made available ...
Yuki Fukuda (Plunderer) designed the characters. Yuki Hayashi (Haikyu!!, My Hero Academia, Gundam Build Fighters) composed the music. Homecomings performed the show's ending theme song "Lapse." ...
Added Aug 05, 2011 at 09:30AM EDT by Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka. The photo of the Cardboard Box Gundam was taken at Anime Central (ACEN) convention held in Rosemont, Illinois in May 2003. The homemade ...
The highly anticipated Gundam x Fortnite crossover has arrived, introducing a competitive team-based mode that brings the iconic Mobile Suits from Netflix’s Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance into Fortnite ...