博主数码闲聊站爆料称,华为Pura80系列的代号是HL,目前似乎正在测试多焦段潜望镜。不过,目前尚不清楚Pura80系列是否会配备连续光学变焦功能,因为供应链物料中仅提到了“多焦段潜望”。回溯到华为P30Pro,它是P系列 ...
While some people have nailed their mobile technology colors to a particular mast, others are still on the lookout, and a new ...
华为即将完成鸿蒙生态的构建,其关键一环便是即将上线的鸿蒙PC。据相关博主爆料,华为计划在明年上半年推出鸿蒙PC,届时,鸿蒙生态链的闭环将得以实现。外界对鸿蒙PC的期待已久,余承东之前也透露,受制裁影响,华为的现有PC可能是最后一批配备Windows系 ...
Huawei has unveiled its Mate 70 series, introducing a futuristic feature that allows users to transfer photos with hand gestures.
这款iPhone15是苹果公司最新推出的智能手机,搭载了强大的A17芯片和256GB的存储空间,能够轻松应对各种大型应用程序和游戏。其窄边框设计和高刷新率MicroLED屏幕也带来了出色的视觉体验。此外,该手机还支持双卡双待 ...
Huawei had a major launch event yesterday where we got the four-strong Mate 70 series, the Mate X6 foldable and the new MatePad Pro 13.2. Those weren’t the only new devices to take the stage as ...
The wallpapers of recently launched Huawei foldable are now available. Here you can download Huawei Mate X6 Wallpapers in ...