but polymorphic variants detectable at the cell culture level can be very useful for this purpose, A survey of twenty heteroploid human cell lines for glucose-6-phosphate de-hydrogenase (G6PD ...
A high-resolution spatial map of the human hypothalamus makes it possible to identify specific cells, determine their exact location and analyze their neighboring cells. The cell atlas ...
Defined culture conditions robustly maintain human stem cell pluripotency, highlighting a role for Ca 2+ signaling Comparative analysis of 100+ PSC lines highlights biological differences ...
CD8+ T cells accumulate in atherosclerotic plaques. LMU researchers identify a crucial signaling pathway—with therapeutic ...
To address this critical gap in pandemic preparedness, researchers investigated how this deadly virus attaches to human cells. The Sudan virus, a close relative of Ebola, has a fatality rate of 50 ...
Bacteria have lots of tricks up their sleeve that help them survive inside cells. One strategy that chlamydia uses is to form protective "bubbles," called inclusions, which fuse their membranes ...
Dr Gey had been working for a few years to establish a cell culture of human cells without any success, but he saw that Henrietta's cells behaved differently to any of the previous samples.
This means that ... Dec. 18, 2024 — Scientists have generated human stem cell models which contain notochord -- a tissue in the developing embryo that acts like a navigation system, directing ...
Xolography is a novel light printing technique that has been explored for dental products and in-space manufacturing. At TU/e ...
Using 3D bioprinting, researchers have developed a more effective method for testing potential HSV treatments.
Objectives Tendinopathy is a frequent clinical problem and represents an extraordinary health economic and socioeconomic ...
Combining their own data with information from the Human Cell Atlas, the researchers analysed a total of eleven human brains. They created a detailed map of the hypothalamus, showing where each cell ...