Canada’s beloved comedian Colin Mochrie and renowned master hypnotist Asad Mecci come together for "Hyprov: Improv Under Hypnosis", a quirky combination of comedy under hypnosis that makes for a night ...
Hypnosis is a tool with many useful dermatologic applications. It involves guiding the patient into a trance state for a specific purpose such as relaxation, pain or pruritus reduction, or habit ...
Background: The purposes of this study are to document psychosocial stressors and medical conditions associated with development of insomnia in school-age children and to report use of hypnosis ...
The hypnosis course will allow medical and psychological professionals to take the Health Ministry's licensing exam and become licensed hypnotists. Medical and psychological staff undergo hypnosis ...
Cyrus, 32, teased the album and its title track in a cover story for Harper’s Bazaar, calling it “hypnotizing and glamorous.” “It’s a concept album that’s an attempt to medicate ...