Adobe Illustrator is a widely popular software tool used to create vector graphics and illustrations such as, logos, icons, cartoons, and fonts. Learn how to apply design principles and elements.
The host is responsible for making travel arrangements that are mutually agreed upon by the host and the author/illustrator, and for paying the up front travel costs. Maximum award is $4,000 Host ...
A team of creative students from the University of Northampton have put pen to paper to create a new fantasy world, filled with mysterious characters and monstrous creations, which will be on display ...
Please view our affiliate disclosure. AI-powered course creation platforms are gaining a lot of traction in the e-learning industry by streamlining the process of designing, developing, and publishing ...
This 27-year-old Firgrove resident is an illustrator and the meaning in his works have limitless interpretations ... “The art world lacks a clear infrastructure, leaving you to chart your own course.