Back much further than ten years ago, Ubuntu was the first Linux distro I ever installed. In those days, Ubuntu had to be ...
As you’ll see in this tutorial, installing Microsoft Edge on Ubuntu and its derivatives is easy. You can do it using a GUI, or through the command line (CLI). Both ...
The new Wine 10.0 release brings better-than-ever support for running your favourite Windows apps and games on Linux distributions like Ubuntu. But how to install it? It’s easy to install Wine in ...
欢迎使用 Ubuntu 配置脚本 README。本文件将指导您如何使用 setup.bash 脚本来配置您的 Ubuntu 系统,安装各种工具和实用程序。该脚本提供了一种方便的方法来安装一系列的软件包,您可以选择进行完整安装,或者根据需要选择特定的软件包进行安装。 setup.bash 脚本 ...
Use our collection of the best Ubuntu apps to transform your vanilla installation into a hot fudge sundae. An operating system stands or falls on the quality of its programs, and Linux distros are ...
IT之家 2 月 18 日消息,科技媒体 pureinfotech 昨日(2 月 17 日)发布博文,介绍了 3 中简便的方法,让你轻松在 Windows 11 系统中,使用 Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL)中安装 ...
近期,科技新闻网站 betanews 披露了一项关于 Ubuntu on WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux)的重要更新。此次更新使得用户无需再依赖微软应用商店,即可轻松安装和管理 Ubuntu,为企业和开发者提供了更为便捷的部署方案。 据悉,新版 Ubuntu on WSL 引入了基于 tar 文件的分发新方式,用户可以直接从 tar 文件安装 ...
Microsoft is pulling the plug on Windows 10. Here's how to keep your PC alive when Microsoft stops releasing updates for the ...
PC hardware is nice, but it’s not much use without innovative software. I’ve been reviewing software for PCMag since 2008, and I still get a kick out of seeing what's new in video and photo ...