作者 | Magic Lasso    编译 | 苏宓出品 | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews)最近,据彭博社报道,美国司法部正在针对谷歌是否违反反垄断法规展开调查,并计划强硬措施,即强制谷歌出售 Chrome 浏览器,倘若事情成真,无疑会对搜索起家的谷歌带来巨大的冲击。现如今 Google 的 Chrome 在全球浏览器市场份额超过了 ...
Get rid of Chrome: that’s what the US Department of Justice (DoJ) has asked a judge to do, in effect splitting Google into two companies, one armed with the browser and the other holding on to the ...
A number of browser makers formed the Browser Choice Alliance (BCA) to raise awareness of Microsoft's wicked behavior in the ...
Here are some steps which will help you to ensure your browsing history stays private, your device remains secure, and your ...
总结而言,IE的逐渐衰退反映了程序员对技术品质的不断提升期望。随着越来越多现代浏览器的涌现,程序员的工作方式与习惯也在不断改变。从功能的增强到用户体验的优化,新兴浏览器在各个方面均展现出了强大的竞争力。对于程序员来说,选择一款高效安全的浏览器,不再是行业的附属,而是成为其核心生产力的重要组成部分。现在,是时候重新审视自己的浏览器选择,可能会发现,优秀的工具能够为开发工作带来意想不到的便利与效率提升 ...
综上所述,程序员不再喜欢使用IE浏览器的原因可以归结为技术局限、安全隐患、开发者工具的差距以及用户体验的明显劣势。在这个快速发展的信息社会,技术的更新换代是必然的,只有跟随时代的步伐,不断学习和适应,才能在技术的浪潮中立于不败之地。对于用户和开发者而言,选择一个更符合需求的浏览器,不仅是为了提高工作效率,更是对未来的积极探索和投资。正如AI技术的崛起为自媒体与创业提供了新的机遇,简单AI等智能产品 ...
The DoJ looks to be fighting ghosts from the past by suggesting Chrome be split from Google. Perhaps Google has a bigger ...
The U.S. Department of Justice last week proposed in a ruling that Google sell its Chrome browser, arguing that it’s the key to Google’s dominance of the search market. The DOJ’s proposal is one of ...
Microsoft has utterly given up on its mobile aspirations, but maybe the right regulatory ruling could (and should) bring it ...
Used by more than three billion people worldwide, Chrome is a crucial part of Google’s advertising business, which accounted ...
DOJ’s structural remedies include restrictions to bar contracts with Apple and Samsung to make Google default search option.
You may find it’s rather easy to escape the Chrome lifestyle, and all you have to do is use the new browser's built-in import ...