AMES, Iowa – A farmer notices an unfamiliar insect on a leaf. Is this a pollinator? Or a pest? Good news at harvest time? Or bad? Need to be controlled? Or not? That farmer can snap a picture, use a ...
Adrienne Drescher is a retail sales representative for Syngenta in western Iowa and she says one of the immediate concerns of a warmer winter is heavy insect pressure in the spring.
Impact and progress Frontiers' impact Progress Report 2022 All annual reports ...
Feb. 26, 2025 — Researchers report on the influence of an endophytic fungus of the genus Cladosporium on the defense of black poplars against herbivorous insects. The fungus, which lives inside ...
Actor Gene Hackman, his wife and their dog were dead for some time before a maintenance worker discovered their bodies at the couple's home, investigators said. Iowa State defensive back Malik Verdon ...
Iowa tax bills will be slightly lower this year, as the state’s individual income tax rate dropped by nearly 2 percentage points. Government officials in Iowa passed a comprehensive tax reform ...
Weevils are ahead by a nose when it comes to ... Their palate also extends to mites, mealybugs and scale bugs. Their hunger is not their only superpower. They can also multiply rapidly to control ...
Iowa State University researchers led development of InsectNet to help farmers around the world. The application – which is backed by a dataset of 12 million insect images, including many collected by ...
Fairfield, Iowa. You may have heard of it. Maybe your artsy friend won’t stop talking about the galleries. Maybe your … The Fairfield Community Garden is gearing up for its second year of operation ...