SHANGHAI, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) -- The eastern Chinese metropolis of Shanghai welcomed its first group of 26 Japanese nationals, arriving under a new visa-free policy, on Saturday, Shanghai Customs said ...
近日,岚图汽车正式揭晓了其FREE 318车型在十二月的购车优惠政策。据了解,即日起至2024年12月31日,消费者购买岚图FREE 318车型可享受限时展车最高3万元的优惠,并有机会获得2年0息金融方案以及整车和三电系统的终身质保服务。
China has been expanding its visa-free policy to more countries to facilitate cross-border travel and promote high-level opening-up. As of November 22, it has achieved full visa exemption with 25 coun ...
IT之家 11 月 27 日消息,东风汽车昨晚发文,称东风岚图与伊比利亚半岛最大的汽车集团 Salvador Caetano 集团, 在葡萄牙首都里斯本举行品牌发布活动,开启葡萄牙市场。
Feeling the pressure to bring someone home for Christmas, Jessie convinces Bryan to join her family for a day filled with holiday events, only the family doesn't know it's their first date.
IT之家 11 月 25 日消息,据汽车像素报道, 岚图明年没有全新车型,这是近四年来的首次 。重点产品是 SUV 产品线,将搭载华为方案,这是岚图明年换新的重点。 消息称岚图汽车有计划推出新款的岚图 FREE,而岚图 FREE 是岚图品牌的首款产品。 新车准备搭载华为系的智能解决方案 ,包括鸿蒙座舱、乾崑智驾。
A new generation of talented Harlem Globetrotters players and coaches showcase their unique skills and passions both on and off the court as they inspire and impact deserving communities across Americ ...