Harbin Ice-Snow World, the world's largest ice-and-snow theme park, officially closed its 26th edition on Wednesday evening ...
China has sent 283 contestants to compete at WorldSkills since 2010, winning the nation 93 golds, 41 silvers and 28 bronzes in total. Learning skills has not only shaped individuals' lives and careers ...
Assuming that the measures US President Donald Trump has taken in the first few weeks in office reflect, a new and sustainable path for the United States, instead of whims, will they have an impact on ...
Chinese private enterprises continued to lead the country's foreign trade with transactions totaling 24.33 trillion yuan ...
China drilled its first ultra-deep scientific exploration well to a depth of 10,910 meters on Jan. 5 in the Tarim Basin of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, setting a record as Asia’s deepest and ...
习语 a leopard can’t change its spots是指江山易改,本性难移,形容人们要改掉坏习惯不是那么容易,即使他们佯装会改。当的士业界威胁要罢驶五天,除非政府取缔Uber这类叫车服务,司机的不诚实又再一次展现。真是可笑。的士司机需要问自己,为何即使Uber车资更昂贵,它在香港仍是这么受欢迎。Uber司机有礼,车辆整洁,容易预约,也不会像的士那样拒绝短途车程。
Unicorn companies have high growth,and to a certain extent represent the direction of economic transformation and ...
中央一号文件原指中共中央每年发布的第一份文件,现在中央一号文件已成为中共中央重视农村问题的专有名词。中共中央从1982年到1986年连续五年发布以“三农”即农业、农村和农民为主题的中央一号文件。进入本世纪,2004年到2024年又连续二十一年发布以“ ...
The Mysterious Chamber of Commerce Behind Huanya Park: Linked to a Chinese Gang Leader and the Blood Slave Case,with,including,chinese,case,myawaddy,years ...
Beyond the Crisis of NETA Automobile: Are State-Owned Shareholders the Biggest Suppliers?,with,automobile,owned,complete,million,new ...
BEIJING, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- By shutting out Chinese enterprises and the Chinese market, the United States will end up hurting its own economic interests and international credibility, foreign ...