Jury foreperson Vladimir Gusarov told WEAR News the issues with the jury started when one juror was caught with a crossword puzzle during testimony. And then again during deliberations.
Holley denied wrongdoing, however, and called her lunch with the jury foreperson "friendly, cordial and forthright," the outlets report. She spoke with two other jurors but reaffirmed in an email ...
The 29-year-old’s family wept quietly as the jury foreperson read out the guilty verdicts a little after 7 p.m. on Tuesday, about seven hours after they began deliberations. Overholt sat silentl ...
Specifically, Cline alleged that the charges had never been presented to a grand jury. Instead, he claimed the grand jury foreperson signed a blank piece of paper and the prosecutor added the charges ...
The jury foreperson, Todd Greenlee, read the verdict and then the jury was polled at the request of Anderson. KARA O’NEIL, reporter for The Derrick and The News-Herald, can be reached at ...
McCargar, 54, showed little emotion but could be seen shaking his head as the jury foreperson read out guilty verdicts on charges that included invitation to sexual touching and sexual interference.
Judge Maxwell Wiley encouraged the jury to continue deliberating on Monday the lesser charge of whether Penny committed criminally negligent homicide when he placed Neely, a homeless man ...
Following an almost month-long trial, the jury’s foreperson told judge Liliana Gonzalez that further deliberation would be pointless, as the jury would still be hung on all 11 counts against ...