Sequential computed tomography (CT) scans were performed for up to 7 months on patients who presented with clinical evidence of lacunar infarction or ischemia. Sixty-nine percent of the patients ...
Given the increased risk of subsequent stroke in patients with incidental lacunar infarcts, it could be argued that antiplatelet therapy should be initiated for prevention. However, evidence from ...
The corona radiata may be injured by a stroke involving small branches of blood vessels. Strokes that can affect the corona radiata are called lacunar strokes or "small vessel strokes" because the ...
MRI showed acute ischaemic infarction on the left side in the precentral and postcentral gyrus, hemipons and cerebellum. Troponin T was elevated and transient left bundle branch block was seen. The ...
Dental flossing is associated with a lower risk for ischemic and cardioembolic stroke and atrial fibrillation.
Cardioembolic stroke had a higher recurrence rate (75.2%) than lacunar infarction (46.8%) (p = 0.049). The 10 year risk of stroke recurrence increased with age after lacunar or atherothrombotic brain ...
The researchers found that 65 percent of the stroke-free cohort reported flossing. Flossers had significantly lower rates of vascular risk factors, periodontal disease, and dental caries. Overall, 434 ...
Laura Williamson American Heart Association News Flossing regularly may lower the risk of some strokes as well as a type of irregular heart rhythm that can increase stroke risk, new research suggests.
Three studies included different types of ischemic stroke whereas two studies included lacunar stroke patients only. The only study including only healthy elderly could not establish an association ...
Flossing was not significantly associated with thrombotic stroke (adjusted HR, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.63-1.32) or lacunar stroke (adjusted HR, 1.14; 95% CI, 0.54-1.88). There was a significant dose ...