The death toll from Israeli airstrikes on Lebanon since the beginning of the Israel-Hezbollah conflict on Oct 8, 2023, has ...
Theo tin Đài chúng tôi: Mới đây, nhiều nơi ở Lebanon liên tiếp xảy ra vụ nổ thiết bị viễn thông, gây thương vong lớn về người ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday urged the United Nations to withdraw its UNIFIL peacekeeping force from ...
红十字国际委员会黎巴嫩代表处主任西蒙娜·卡萨维安卡·埃施利曼表示:“这项重要行动提供了十分必要的援助,但需求仍在大幅增长。虽然我们的外科医疗队和医疗物资将有助于减轻医疗系统的负担,但当地迫切需要持续、安全的人道援助。人道危机每时每刻都在加深。” ...
Theo tin Đài chúng tôi: Ngày 10/10, Hội đồng Bảo an Liên Hợp Quốc tổ chức cuộc họp khẩn để xem xét và thảo ...
BEIRUT, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) reported on Sunday that two Israeli tanks destroyed the main gate of one of its positions in southern Lebanon and ...
以色列军方表示,真主党星期天(10月13日)袭击了一处以色列军事基地,造成四名士兵死亡,61人受伤,其中七人重伤。这起袭击是以色列对黎巴嫩发动地面入侵以来,真主党发动的最致命打击。以色列能源部长埃利·科亨(Eli ...
(ECNS)--Tensions on the Korean Peninsula have escalated, drawing global attention. The year-long Palestinian-Israeli conflict ...
Sekretaris Jenderal PBB Antonio Guterres hari Jumat kemarin (4/10) dalam pernyataannya menyatakan keprihatinan atas ...
Chinese citizens evacuated from Lebanon are seen at the Port of Limassol, Cyprus, on Oct. 1, 2024. About 80 Chinese citizens ...