Team M may not have won the NBA Rising Stars tournament, but former Pitt guard Bub Carrington made an impression on the national stage. Carrington — a 6-foot-4, 190-pound guard from Baltimore, Md.
Without them, we wouldn’t have cat memes, and that’s no kind of world to live in. One Instagram account, @SillyCarSyndrome, is dedicated to sharing pics of cats being, well, silly. With 228K ...
OLE (18D: Copa Mundial cheer) "Copa Mundial" is Spanish for "World Cup." The FIFA World Cup is an international football (called soccer in the U.S.) competition held every four years. The next ...
LAREDO, TEXAS (17A: Rio Grande city with a jalapeno festival) LAREDO, TEXAS is located in the southern part of the state, along the Rio Grande, River. Across the river from LAREDO, TEXAS is the ...
If you've got a cat who wants nothing more than to lay cozily in your lap, or all over your keyboard while you're working, or on your head while you're asleep (you get the picture), you probably ...
Never fear – research from 2020 has shown that it's not so difficult. You just need to smile at them more. Not the human way, by baring your teeth, but the cat way, by narrowing your eyes and blinking ...
Whether it's a broken heart or physical injury, having someone's compassion is the best medicine. For Paul the rescue kitten, this very thing completely healed him from all his ailments, and now, he's ...
Languages: English and Italian. In a viral TikTok post, a cat owner from Minnesota revealed what her rescue kitten does every time she says "hi," and internet users can't cope with it. The ...