Back much further than ten years ago, Ubuntu was the first Linux distro I ever installed. In those days, Ubuntu had to be ...
Linux is a powerful operating system and while there's still the pesky myth around the OS having no apps, there's a plethora ...
Several security vulnerabilities in X.Org and Xwayland allow attackers to smuggle in malicious code. Some updates are ...
Framework launched new versions of its 12-inch and 13-inch laptops as well as a new desktop computer today -- all with repairable and upgradeable options.
SDK环境准备主机开发环境根据sdk版本文档,061sdk推荐使用ubuntu 14.04,我在debian11下编译也没有发现问题软件包安装sud ...
Framework, makers of the Framework Laptop 16 for gaming and the Framework 13, and the ONLY repairable, customizable, ...
While the UN Global Compact logo is for use by our initiative only, we encourage participants in good standing to use the Endorser "We Support" logo. It can be used, for example, on websites and ...