The large hind limbs, bright colors, and long, tapered, white-tipped tail identify the woodland jumping mouse. The 115-160 mm (4.5-6.3 in), sparsely-haired tail, grayish brown above, and white below ...
High in the Andes of northern Ecuador, cities sit in the shadow of mountains and ancient volcanoes covered in dense forest. Just north of the capital city of Quito, these towering peaks are the ...
NatureSmart: Stan Tekiela encounters the elusive long-tailed weasel in Yellowstone, exploring its rare adaptations, hunting skills, and seasonal color changes.
A darkish brown stripe occurs along the middle of the back from the head to tail ... the deer mouse. The throat, belly, and feet are white; the ears thin, sparsely furred, and prominent. The black, ...