It bags come and go, but when it comes to investing in a designer handbag, I firmly believe that classic styles are best.
But they all have the same bag slung around their shoulders—a Longchamp Le Pliage. You're likely well acquainted with the bag ...
Katie Holmes carried a bucket tote bag on a walk in New York City, and we found lookalike styles from $23 in Amazon’s fashion ...
From high-end heritage labels to up-and-coming designers, here are the bag brands royals like Meghan Markle and Kate ...
With Window Shopping, InStyle editors curate the most show-stopping, fantastical items in the market that live rent-free in our hearts and minds. Because everyone deserves a little luxury. "There's ...
Angelina Jolie put on a stylish display as she was photographed leaving the set of her movie, Stitches, in Paris on Tuesday, but it was her daughter, Zahara who stole the show. The star stepped out ...
This time, the actress was joined by her 19-year-old daughter Zahara. The pair stepped out in Paris wearing casual yet chic ...
Whether you’re shopping for your BFF, a picky coworker, or even yourself (no judgment here), these luxe-looking picks are ...
Angelina Jolie’s sleek accessory habits have been passed right on down to her 19-year-old daughter, Zahara. Yesterday in ...
The United States luxury handbag market is growing at a 6.20% CAGR, fueled by millennial spending and digital/niche brands.
As a shopping writer, I spend eight hours a day researching the best gifts spanning beauty, fashion and wellness. And I can't ...
WE spend the entire year eyeing items to add to our Christmas lists, but when December arrives and we’re asked the dreaded question: “What do you want?” it suddenly feels ...