Finally, when measuring VapA fluorescence around the MTOC, cells activated on glass, unlike those activated on gels ... Research on B-cells has extensively covered cytoskeleton remodeling and dynamics ...
Role of UNC13D in the tethering and docking of cytotoxic granules. Following the activation of receptors of cytotoxic lymphocytes and initiation of signaling cascades, the cytotoxic granules are ...
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Plasmodium NEK1 coordinates MTOC organisation and kinetochore attachment during rapid mitosis in male gamete formation. PLOS Biology , 2024; 22 (9): e3002802 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002802 Cite ...
Children who are part of Project Promise. Through the Office of Disaster Recovery Project Promise’s Caterpillar Afterschool Program on St. Croix received $95,000. The Office of Disaster Recovery (ODR) ...