(2025年2月20日──香港)位于西九文化区、亚洲全球性当代视觉文化博物馆M+欣然宣布2025年第四个特别展览「赵无极:平面作品」(暂名)。法籍华裔艺术家赵无极(1920–2013)是二十世纪中后期享负盛名的抽象艺术大师之一,本展览将会是亚洲首个全 ...
M+ is also set to hold special exhibition showcasing over 200 works by renowned Chinese-French abstract painter Zao Wou-Ki ...
Venue is planning Asia’s first major retrospective of Zao’s graphic works as part of exhibition that includes other abstract ...
After a year of discussions, the Museum of Modern Art in New York and M+ in Hong Kong, a contemporary art museum in Hong Kong ...
在《魔兽世界》中,地下城内容一直是玩家们热衷探索的领域。随着M+第一赛季的结束,我们有必要深度解析这一赛季的挑战与改进,尤其是经典地下城(Legacy Dungeons)的重塑之旅,这不仅让玩家体验到了新鲜感,还通过多样化的战斗设计为游戏增添了不少亮点。
人民网香港2月20日电 (记者陈然)位于香港西九文化区的亚洲全球性当代视觉文化博物馆M+,日前与美国纽约现代艺术博物馆签署全新合作意向书,涵盖策展研究和交流、藏品修复、项目分享和专业发展等领域。此合作意向书是纽约现代艺术博物馆首次与亚洲博物馆建立全面合作关系。
Hong Kong’s M+ museum has signed an agreement with the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York to collaborate in several areas in the first such deal between the famed US institution and an ...
人民网香港2月20日电 ...
The Geoffrey Bawa Trust which was launched its 2025 is followed by Curatorial Conversations Series. Recently a presentation was made S by M+ Museum director and Geoffrey Bawa Trustee Suhanya Raffel.