该研究成果以 “ Multiplex Methylation Detection Assays Using a Blocking FRET ? Probe with Machine Learning-Assisted Quantitative Melting Curve Method Targeting Early ? Breast Cancer ”为题,发表在期刊 Chemical ...
11月15日,Creative Machine的中国首展“跨越六十年:人工智能的创意之火”在泰康美术馆重磅启幕,持续至2025年2月28日。Creative Machine是聚焦人工智能、机器人、计算机艺术与创造力的国际大型展览。自2014年在伦敦举办首展以来,历经艾伦·图灵研究所、牛津大学等举办地,于今冬来到中国北京。此次展览是Creative ...
The Machine Learning Area at Microsoft Research Asia pushes the frontier of machine learning from the perspectives of theory, algorithms, and applications. Our research interests cover deep learning, ...