What is Tahajjud Time in Al Madina? Today Tahajjud time start from 08:03 PM and ends on 05:24 AM. Tahajjud namaz time starts after Isha prayer one wakes up from his/her sleep. The actual time for ...
Today 05 Dec, 2024, Al Madinah Namaz Timings are Fajr 5:28 AM, Dhuhr 12:12 PM, Asr 3:13 PM, Maghrib 5:33 PM & Isha 7:03 PM. The city azan, salat schedule & 7 days time table is also provided. Daily ...
Global hotel operator Hilton announced on Wednesday that it has signed an agreement with Al-Gharaa International for Real Estate Development to open three hotels in the Islamic World District of ...
When is the next Valorant Night Market? Hopefully, some of your long sought-after weapon skins have been added to your collection. If you’re unsure whether to part with your valuable Valorant ...
Marriott International has announced plans to open three new hotels on Madinah as it looks to expand its network in Saudi Arabia. Marriott signed an agreement with Knowledge Economic City (KEC) to ...