让·鲁什,听起来像个名人吧?没错,这位传奇人物堪称民族志电影界的 maestro。他用镜头记录下人类多元的文化和情感,尽管在北美流传的只有五部作品,却依然让人心生向往。那么,这位大师有着怎样不为人知的故事呢?让我们一同揭开他的神秘面纱!
Malgrado lo shock dell’umiliante incontro di Trump e Zelensky alla Casa Bianca, l’Europa e l’Ucraina sono davanti al dilemma di come riallacciare rapporti costrittivi con l’America e un compito partic ...
Founded and directed by the world-renowned dancer and choreographer Matias Jaime, MALEVO Dance Company brings a fresh, dynamic approach to traditional South American dance. Combining elements of tradi ...