The Last Showgirl” follows star Pamela Anderson as Shelley, a 57 year-old Las Vegas dancer whose once legendary ensemble act ...
Substance actress Demi Moore attended the SFFilm Awards looking timeless and now her fans are talking about the 'tough' ...
I turned 63 on Dec. 4. Unlike many women of my vintage, birthdays are a very public celebration in my house. It’s always been ...
With deft flicks of the wrist, Nunzia Caputo cuts small chunks off the end of a sausage-shaped roll of fresh pasta dough, ...
If your readers are using makeup brushes, please advise them to wash those brushes at least once a week. The same goes for makeup sponges. Here at the dermatologist’s office, we see so many skin ...
The Village Voice has reading tips—this round focuses on authoritarians—that will help you better understand what Trump 2.0 holds in store.
“Women need to stop using makeup with SPF as their only form of sunscreen,” Dr ... “There are so many women out there that ...