Breast enhancement consistently ranks as the most sought-after cosmetic surgery procedure in North America, with similar ...
Xie met Hua Hua (pseudonym) a year and a half ago, after she was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Initially, Hua Hua ...
For women with breast cancer, breast-conserving therapy (BCT) is associated with improved sexual well-being, compared to ...
A catastrophic lab bungle has seen the lives of two Australian woman turned upside down with one undergoing unneeded surgery for breast cancer she didn't have and the other left with an untreated ...
Looking for tips, tricks, and shopping lists ahead of your top surgery? Here's everything you need to do and think about ...
If you’re considering breast implants, you might be wondering—what actually happens during the process? From the initial consultation to recovery, breast augmentation is a carefully planned procedure ...
Controversial media personality Cyan Boujee has revealed that she recently had breast lift surgery. The star said her breasts ...
Sexual well-being after breast cancer surgery Many women with breast cancer have sexual health concerns. In previous studies, up to 85% of breast cancer patients report sexual dysfunction but few ...